聯絡Miss Tseng|Contact Miss Tseng

Miss Tseng 目前有在接學生,但建議孩子5歲後再來找我上課,因為Miss Tseng目前所有課程都是以線上進行,不建議太小的孩子來上課。這個歲數的孩子才會有足夠的專注力去吸收課程的內容喔。


如果是想要直接叫Miss Tseng教的家長們,在孩子5歲之前,就多帶孩子出去玩、去旅遊、去體驗人生,這其實才是真正重要的事情。


想要聯絡Miss Tseng的話,歡迎從各平台私訊我或者是填寫以下的表格留下您的資訊,我會盡快與您聯絡。

Miss Tseng’s Line@

Miss Tseng is currently accepting students, but I recommend waiting until your child is at least 5 years old before starting lessons. Right now, all of Miss Tseng’s classes are online, and younger kids might not get the most out of it. If any in-person activities come up, I’ll be sure to share them with everyone in the Parenting Open Chat.

In the meantime, I encourage parents to take their children out to explore and experience life, as that is truly the most important thing.

If you really want your child to start learning English at a young age, there are free phonics courses available on YouTube for parents to get you started. You can start teaching them from around 2 years old, and honestly, it’s probably more effective than sending them to school so young. There’s also lots of free info online, or you can book a paid consultation with me if you want to chat.

Feel free to DM me on any platform or fill out the form below with your info, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

